
ATA's artist-in-residence, Craig Baldwin, gives us the lowdown on his latest project. No, it's not a film. It's only the biggest thing to hit local independent underground down-and-out filmmakers and filmwatchers alike: Distribution!

The Other Cinema Digital project provides an alternative platform for the distribution of extraordinary film works. They celebrate peculiar visions and offbeat sensibilities, drawn from the contemporary underground as well as the archives. Be it auteur, exploitation, or industrial, OCD delivers a decidely different audio-visual experience — opening up spaces both marvelous and dangerous.

The project's first release is Craig Baldwin's Spectres of the Spectrum, complete with a new digital soundtrack, director's commentary, behind-the-scenes production shorts, cast and crew bios, four-color booklet, and other special features.

The second title is Experiments in Terror, a program of experimental and undeerground horror films. Featured works are Peter Tscherkassky's Outer Space, David Sherman's Tuning the Sleep Machine, and Damon Packard's Dawn of an Evil Millennium. As will be the case on nearly all OCD discs, offbeat industrial clips and trailers will be added to the menu as bonus tracks.

Also slated for publication thi year are a Stephen Parr-curated edition, The Subject is Sex, and Sam Green's much anticipated Rainbow Man (with Pie Fight '69 and other Green shorts).

For more information (including preview clips) visit

Craig Baldwin is a local filmmaker. His show Other Cinema happens at ATA on Saturday nights at 8pm.