Artists' Television Access webzine, Issue #3, Fall 2004

Call for Submissions

The only thing that is constant is change.

Issue #4 ("Transitions") of the ATA webzine will address the concept of change. From material/physical to conceptual/emotional to geographical, "Transitions" looks at the state of change--when something is not what it used to be, yet not entirely something else--and opens up the awkward stages of development and regression to aesthetic and critical scrutiny.

Proposals for work related to the theme of transitions are due to the editors by January 30, 2005. We are looking for text-based, web-based and anything-in-between-based work by local artists and writers. There will also be a gallery/screening show at ATA in conjunction with the release of the issue around mid or end of April (so you can think in terms of doing a two-part project).

Please send your proposal (or questions!) to the editors at: zine@atasite.org.

Artists' Television Access webzine, Issue #4: Transitions
Scheduled for release Spring 2004

deadline for proposals: January 30, 2005
deadline for first drafts: February 28, 2005

Order, Measurement and Systems

ATA webzine, Issue #3, Fall 2004


